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Jam of Edible Violets

Jam of Edible Violets

Edible flowers? Also perfect for jams!


50 g of violets
500 g of apples
1 lemon, the juice
200g of honey with a delicate taste (acacia)


Gently wash the edible flowers and keep some of them aside. Wash, peel and cut the apples into small pieces and put them in a pot with the lemon juice, finally add the flowers and simmer on low heat. While the aqueous juice evaporates, also add the honey a little at a time until a thick mixture is obtained. Finally add the remaining flowers and pot the still boiling jam in previously sterilized jars. Close the jars tightly and possibly also proceed with the pasteurization.

the recipes

Try out new things in the kitchen with our recipes! From simple dishes to the more elaborate preparations, the quality and originality of our products will enhance the taste and visual appeal of your recipes.

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All orders placed from 12.00 on Thursday will be processed on the following Monday morning to avoid the storage of the fresh product in the DHL warehouses.Ok